What is this?

This is KNB-news-streamer, KNB stands for kanobu, a website this was made for. Basically - the purpose of this service is to monitor desired twitter streams and sort it for most popular stuff, so you can always have a list of relevant and widely-shared news to write/read about.

For nerds those who are wondering

Backend: node.js + socket.io
Frontend: react + flux
Just as everything I do... real hipster kind.


For all you visual consumers, a little demo

Deployment on Heroku

It's pretty straightforward, fork the repository, create a heroku dyno and deploy from github. Don't forget to set TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET,TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY and TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET env.variables in settings, and connect mongolab DB, or it won't work (obviously). Then you just deploy, open and press "Start Streaming" button in top-right corner.

Deployment on a VPS/Localhost/Any other server

You need to have Gulp, Bower and mongoDB installed. You can specify mongoDB URI with MONGOLAB_URI ENV variable, otherwise it will search on localhost.
Clone the repo, run npm install and npm start, that should do the trick. Don't forget to set ENV variables as in Heroku deployment.


If you want to develop your own features - after npm install run npm run watch and gulp default nodemon is required. Server will now rebuild all the stuff on change.


Issues and Bugs

Should be submitted to an issues section of the repo, thanks!


Kanobu for requesting the service and yours truly @orels1.