Welcome to Red-Cloudbank project page
The goal of this project is to create an easy to use DB of user-made cogs for Red Discord bot created by Twentysix26
Tech stack
This project uses Node.js as a backend and react (with flux) on a frontend
Demo is hosted on a free heroku dyno https://red-cloudbank.herokuapp.com/
If you want to deploy your own server - clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/orels1/red-cloudbank.git ./red-cloudbank
Enter the directory
cd red-cloudbank
Install all the dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
App assumes that you have a mongoDB running on localhost
If you need to specify a different path to mongodb, use a MONGOLAB_URI env. variable (full adress with mongodb://)
If you want to start a develop server (with automatic restarts), run npm and gulp in watch modes
gulp default
npm run watch
That's all. It's totally self-contained. If you run into any issues - don't hesitate to post them in the issues section